I, Galactus, have spanned the very macroverse itself in a never-ending quest to drain inhabited planets of their vital-forces to slake my eternal thirst for the energies of life. Countless worlds and races have disappeared from the fabric of memory itself by my giant, blocky hand. Most orbs were negligible husks, crawling with unevolved vermin and so-called noble races who, were it not for their wars on one another, would have one day reached the stars as I have and avoided my hunger. Several of these worlds were quite delicious, sweet and satisfying. Yet never in my all-transcendent lifespan have I tasted anything as ambrosaic and vivifying as a so-called “Yummy Cupcake” from Earth’s “Yummy Cupcakes” in Burbank, California. That once-doomed Gaea could produce such a cupcake stirs in me the feeling that perhaps there is something in this universe larger in scope than my own colossal being. I must have another cupcake. Thus your world is spared.
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