Monday, March 30, 2009


Lookee at dat! Back in the day (choose a day) Marvel's covers exploded off the newsstand, grabbed your visual cortex by the ganglia, lifted you upside down and shook 25 cents out of your pocket. Yes, comics were a quarter back then. A friggin' quarter.

Sal Buscema never, ever did anything small or mundane. As much as people justifiably swoon over the energy of Jack Kirby's art, Sal's art has just as much power, bombast and clarity. His men were cleanly handsome and his women were unthreateningly gorgeous (except for Valkyrie, whose jutting metal breastplates could have led to congressional hearings, were the powers-that-be paying attention to comics back then. Thank God they weren't, because a lot of pre-teens would be devoid of women to have awkward, warm, funny dreams about).

Every week at the newsstand there were at least five Marvel covers that looked like this. They made DC covers look like Jehovah's Witness primers.

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